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Friday, February 26, 2010


I enjoyed researching the clothes we wore, historical events, movies, and the way Detectives solved cases. Can you imagine living with no cell phones or computers? Turning the knob on the television was the only way you could change the channel. There was no cable TV. Only seven channels were available to the public.

Now try solving a case with no applications that can identify a fingerprint and no DNA to check. My three Detectives worked together tirelessly to indict the Yanelli Crime Family. Their lives were compromised. A relationship suffered. And their future was placed on hold.

Although life was much more difficult in 1981, it was simple. And what's that saying, "Less is More"? More personal interaction, less global. Letters were written not emails. Phone calls were made not texts. Yes, it was simple then. But I guess you wouldn't miss what you never had.

Maybe some of you watched the Jetsons. Imagine talking into a watch? Well, yesterday's cartoon is today's reality.

When you read my novel, place yourself back in time to 1981!


  1. Who can remember what life was like in 1981?

  2. Surprisingly, I can remember..at least some of it. I was a sophomore at UVM, listening to the Dead and wearing homeless hippy attire...not a pretty time. If you wanted to hang out with your friends, you actually went to their dorm or apartment without ever calling or texting first...shocking. No ipods back then, just stereos...and LPs!

  3. Arlene, In 1981 I was a junior in high school. You were cool if you had a Walkman as our music was on cassette tapes and we still listened to vinyl!

    My friends and I actually went OUTSIDE to play and practice baseball and basketball and we played tennis to stay in shape in the offseason....WITHOUT A 'X-BOX'!!

    I'm excited to be a part of this production.
