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Monday, January 16, 2012

The loss of a pet....

In Faction on Thanksgiving Day, Jamie's pet was delivered by her opposition, Frank Aspira. He had kidnapped Samson to teach her a lesson. Samson's paw was broken.

In real life my heart was broken when my dog had to be put down this week. Jamie and I will share the pain of this loss.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I recently purchased the app 'Manuscript' for my iPad. I hope this contributes to my timeline which I find most challenging

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What's that saying....back in the saddle again? On the road again? Well being gainfully unemployed has its advantages. I'm writing again. My Spring workshop program begins soon, 'arlene's Drama Workshop'. I have to write the program, no excuses. I'm under contract. But that's a good thing because I'm writing my aged old novel again. Giddy Up.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The block is over...

I've had writer's block for so long. I am glad this is coming to an end. Mid October I will begin again to fill in the blanks with all my characters in Faction. I've missed them so much....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Keeping memories alive

Having a loved one pass is so difficult to endure First there's sorry, then anger, then the proverbial question, 'why me?' "They say" time heals all wounds. Nonsense. I feel the same pain I did when my parents first died. However, there is a lighter side to this. As I writer I am able to keep their memory alive. With the novel Faction, I gave my detective, Jamie Acito, my parents. Their looks, their phrases, and their sometimes annoying questions. Writing them into my storyline keeps them alive!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Protagonist needs a friend

My main Character, Jamie Acito (name change in the rewrite), has a family, a boyfriend and a career. There was something missing in her personal life...a friend. A friend who is not a detective and a friend who does not live the single city life. It had to be someone who she knows a very long time. So...I created Dina Rinaldi. Dina went to high school with Jamie. When Jaime moved to the city and concentrated on her career, Dina stayed in Brooklyn, married and had two children. This is a life Jamie shunned. Jamie finds herself jealous at a life she would never choose. This complicates her relationship with Daniel. At times she wonders where her life would be if she and Daniel had married.

In the rewrite, Dina is introduced during the telephon conversation between Jamie and her Mom on the day receives the call from One Police Plaza.

Welcome Dina Rinaldi to Faction, the novel.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Changing Scenes into Chapters

Camera directions have been rewritten to the novel form. That's a challenge for me. Most of my writing experience has been in screenplay form. Writing dialogue is like watching a movie in my mind. I can place my characters and scenes on pause until the next working hour. Writing in novel form becomes habitual rewrites. I can't seem to write the next chapter without editing the previous ones that I thought were my final draft.

I've divided the book into four parts: October, November, December and then we jump five years into the future. This may sound strange but when you finally read Faction, these comments will definitely make sense. At least I hope so....Writing the novel this way offers my readers a solid time line. It flows....