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Monday, January 16, 2012

The loss of a pet....

In Faction on Thanksgiving Day, Jamie's pet was delivered by her opposition, Frank Aspira. He had kidnapped Samson to teach her a lesson. Samson's paw was broken.

In real life my heart was broken when my dog had to be put down this week. Jamie and I will share the pain of this loss.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I recently purchased the app 'Manuscript' for my iPad. I hope this contributes to my timeline which I find most challenging

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What's that saying....back in the saddle again? On the road again? Well being gainfully unemployed has its advantages. I'm writing again. My Spring workshop program begins soon, 'arlene's Drama Workshop'. I have to write the program, no excuses. I'm under contract. But that's a good thing because I'm writing my aged old novel again. Giddy Up.